Sunday, April 5, 2009

A New Beginning

Everyone in my life know that this first half of 2009 has brought a lot of happiness, devastation, and sadness to my family. I am at so much peace right now that i can finally come out and talk about.

The year started off with a lot of joy and excitement for my family. In January, my husband and I was ttc(trying to conceive).With a lot of long and tired nights(HAHAHA) we successfully conceived in January. The pregnancy started off strange from the week I ovulated. The day I ovulated there was so much pain in the pelvic area that I couldn't walk. I just annoyed the pain and hoped my pregnancy test was positive.

In February, my husband begin having really bad stomach aches and headaches. After taking him to the er, he had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix. After a full week out of school, he was behind in all of his classes. This semester did not look good for him at all.

Now, we come to March. We both were really excited about seeing our baby for the first time. After going in for a routine u/s, the doctors did not find a heartbeat. My husband and I was devastated. We both sat in the parking lot and cried until there wasn't any tears left. I had to have a d&c the next day. It was really difficult to understand. Especially how could we break the news to out 3yr old son, who was excited about being a big brother. After all of this my husband was laid off on March 27th.

With all of the pain and sorrow we suffered these past 2 months, April start a new beginning for my family. This situation has brought us closer together and mostly importantly closer to the lord. Everything happens for a reason and we have build a bigger relationship with Jesus. All things are possible through Christ. JUST TRUST IN THE LORD!!!!!!

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